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Get data from section


get_data(section, as_list = FALSE, ...)



Defines what section of the api should be called. available_sections() exposes all options for this parameter.


Whether or not to return the data as a list or in a dataframe. Data.frame is the default output.


<dynamic-dots> input query parameters.


Returns either a dataframe with all the data for the specified section or a list with the same information.

See also

Other Data functions: get_map_data()


if (connection_check()) {
  x <- get_data("regioner")
#>   dagi_id kode               navn nuts2                   ændret
#> 1  389098 1081 Region Nordjylland  DK05 2024-10-04T21:02:54.978Z
#> 2  389101 1082 Region Midtjylland  DK04 2025-02-04T22:02:46.244Z
#> 3  389102 1083  Region Syddanmark  DK03 2025-01-01T22:02:15.652Z
#> 4  389099 1084 Region Hovedstaden  DK01 2024-10-04T21:02:54.978Z
#> 5  389100 1085    Region Sjælland  DK02 2024-10-22T21:04:04.354Z
#>                 geo_ændret geo_version bbox_xmin bbox_ymin bbox_xmax bbox_ymax
#> 1 2024-10-04T21:02:54.978Z          32  8.189517  56.53455  11.22599  57.76025
#> 2 2025-02-04T22:02:46.244Z          45  8.078876  55.64438  11.66419  56.84326
#> 3 2025-01-01T22:02:15.652Z          33  8.063203  54.71828  10.99555  55.95325
#> 4 2024-10-04T21:02:54.978Z          31 11.602116  54.98355  15.31831  56.20520
#> 5 2024-10-22T21:04:04.354Z          29 10.814805  54.54441  12.64552  56.01731
#>   visueltcenter_x visueltcenter_y
#> 1       10.112829        57.30716
#> 2        9.605032        56.23399
#> 3        9.028461        55.56317
#> 4       12.279374        55.97239
#> 5       11.621319        55.43979