Authors and Citation
Aleksander Bang-Larsen. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.
Agency of Climate Data. Contributor.
The Danish Agency of Climate Data provides this API for the public and have not actively contributed to the development nor distribution in this package.
Source: inst/CITATION
Bang-Larsen A (2025). dawaR: An API Wrapper for 'DAWA' - 'The Danish Address Web API'. R package version 0.3.0, https://github.com/aleksanderbl29/dawaR, https://dawar.aleksanderbl.dk/.
@Manual{dawaR, title = {dawaR: An API Wrapper for 'DAWA' - 'The Danish Address Web API'}, author = {Aleksander Bang-Larsen}, year = {2025}, note = {R package version 0.3.0, https://github.com/aleksanderbl29/dawaR}, url = {https://dawar.aleksanderbl.dk/}, }
Agency of Climate Data (2024). “DAWA: Denmark's Address Web API at The Data Distribution - Through dawaR.” https://dawadocs.dataforsyningen.dk/dok/guides.
@Misc{apidawa_en, title = {{DAWA}: {Denmark's Address Web API} at {The Data Distribution} - Through {dawaR}}, author = {{Agency of Climate Data}}, year = {2024}, url = {https://dawadocs.dataforsyningen.dk/dok/guides}, }
Klimadatastyrelsen (2024). “DAWA: Danmarks Adressers Web API hos Dataforsyningen - Tilgået med dawaR.” https://dawadocs.dataforsyningen.dk/dok/guides.
@Misc{apidawa_dk, title = {{DAWA}: {Danmarks Adressers Web API} hos {Dataforsyningen} - Tilgået med {dawaR}}, author = {{Klimadatastyrelsen}}, year = {2024}, url = {https://dawadocs.dataforsyningen.dk/dok/guides}, }